Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Facial Massage: Its Benefits & How to Do It at Home

Just like the rest of your body, your facial muscles require exercise to keep them strong and youthful. So how do you exercise your facial muscles? Facial massage!

Facial massage has long been a staple of professional spa treatments, but you don’t have to leave this youth-giving practice to the pros. You can actually incorporate facial massage into your everyday beauty routine! Not only is it relaxing, but it also helps to improve the condition of your skin.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of facial massage, and how to do it at home.

The Benefits of Facial Massage 

1. Prevents Wrinkles 

Tense facial muscles can lead to the formation of a certain type of wrinkle called stress lines. Massage can help to relieve tension in the facial muscles, thus preventing wrinkles.

2. Increases Circulation 

Facial massage increases blood flow to your facial tissues. This helps to bring more oxygen to the area, which in turn can help improve collagen production. Collagen is an important protein which gives skin a youthful, smooth texture. However, our skin’s collagen production declines as we age. Since facial massage stimulates the production of this youth-giving molecule, it can actually slow the aging process.

3. Reduces Puffiness 

Do you ever wake up with a swollen, puffy face? Since facial massage stimulates circulation, it can also help to drain some of that excess fluid from your face. As a result, your skin looks more radiant and wide-awake.

4. Promotes Relaxation 

If the benefits for your personal appearance weren’t enough, facial massage just feels nice! Performing a facial massage in the evening is a good way to unwind after a stressful day at work, and can even help you to fall asleep.

How to Do a Facial Massage at Home 

Follow these simple steps to perform a facial massage:

  1. Cover your fingers and face with a small amount of non-comedogenic oil to lubricate your skin, preventing wrinkle-causing tugging and pulling. We like coconut oil, argan oil, or rosehip oil. You could also use our 2-Phase Makeup Remover, which will allow you to cleanse your face while you massage. 
  2. Starting at the center of your face, gently sweep your fingers across your skin from your nose to your hairline, following the contours of your cheeks in an upward motion. 
  3. Knead out worry lines by repeating the same sweeping motion on your forehead, from the center of your forehead to your hairline. 
  4. Use only your ring fingers to massage your eye area, since this area is more delicate and requires less pressure. 
  5. And don’t forget your neck! Use light, upward strokes from the neck to the jawline to lift and firm. 
  6. Rinse your face with cold water, then continue on with your regular skincare routine. 

You can also experiment by using facial massage tools. Jade or quartz rollers are an easy, inexpensive way to get started. But if you’re looking for something more high end, you can also buy a facial massage device that does the work for you.

Do you massage your face daily? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments!

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